Alexandre Guédon
- courriel: total world domination (à) g mail point, "comme"
Mes Noeuds
- R (relais principal)
Autres infos
Radio amateur: VE2TUX
See my homepage. I can be contacted over email
this domain) or elsewhere
as anarcat
IP allocations
Those are all the machines I manage, by IP address.
Exhaustive allocation
# | hostname | IP | IPv6 | MAC |
0 | angela | | fd64:2c08:9fa7:1::2/64 | ec:55:f9:c5:f2:55 |
1 | koumbit-outremont | | Not yet | 00:27:22:8a:cb:c4 |
2 | westernblock | | fd64:2c08:9fa7:2::/64 | DC:9F:DB:06:D5:BE |
3 | atlas | | fd64:2c08:9fa7:3::/64 | DC:9F:DB:07:EC:E7 |
4 | plantpeople | | fd64:2c08:9fa7:1::4/64 - should be /128 | DC:9F:DB:1:13:56 |
5 | batiment7 | | 00:15:6D:A9:C7:84 |
See numbering for a more complete listing of nodes.
Current allocation
In other words, current allocation plan:
IPv6 | function | host |
:0::1/128 | routeur | roadkiller |
:0::2/64 | relai | boulette |
:1::2/64 | laptop | angela |
:1::3/128 | AP | plastik |
:1::4/64 | ? | plantpeople |
:2::/64 | relai/AP? | easternblock |
:3::/64 | relai/AP? | atlas |
Problems with the above:
- wtf?
- relai shouldn't have a /64 but a /128 in a magic subnet reserved for that purpose (/64?)
- laptop should either get an ip in a /64 from a router or be a /128 in the above subnet
- AP should have a /64 to redistribute
- plantpeople overlaps with the other /64
Fixed up allocation plan
IPv6 | function | host |
:0::1/128 | routeur | roadkiller (no change, announces 2001:1928:1:9::/64 to the mesh for its LAN) |
:0::2/128 | relai | boulette (change prefix from /64 to /128) |
:X::/64 | AP | plastik (new /64 to allocate, :0::3/128 on mesh interface if necessary) |
:0::42/128 | mobile | angela (laptop, switch to /128, change subnet to :0::) |
:1::/64 | AP? | plantpeople (change IP, keep /64 to avoid having to go there just now) |
:2::/64 | AP? | easternblock (no change) |
:3::/64 | AP? | atlas (no change) |
My nodes
Here is the list of nodes I operate.
Operational nodes
Planned nodes
Nodes in maintenance
- make the mesh work in my home
done with ?carton
- fix IPv4 allocation to use
done, see ip
- test IPv6 autoconfiguration
- setup a DHCP server and regular ad-hoc mode on ?carton
done!! i now use the mesh for my wifi access!
- test ipv6 announcements
somehow this doesn't work as expected:
- the /48 announcement was creating havoc:
[28187.091405] IPv6 addrconf: prefix with wrong length 48
- only the link-local prefix route gets added to the table, that's kind of weird
- the packets don't actually go through to marcos
- the /48 announcement was creating havoc:
- so next step: olsrd to propagate those routes between routers.
- merge DMZ and mesh zones in ?roadkiller
- configure second linksys router to join the mesh
- install ganglia? or ?monitoring?
- aggregate node parameters in a table automatically (todo/internal definition list support/)
Power can apparently be pushed up to 84mW (20dBm), see seattlewireless.
old battle plan
This was the battle plan to configure the OLSR routing and setup on the roof, but it was short-circuited during the 2012-04-06-antenna-party.
Phase I: local tests
- setup ad-hoc mode between the laptop, the
linksys and the n900
problem here - the laptop doesn't support ad-hoc mode!! see Debian bug #645055
next step: setup olsrd on the n900, see
setup olsrd between the nodes (OpenWRT and wired laptop configured)
- hookup the linksys to
, setup vpn gateways for outgoing? - think about system-wide numbering policy (and ipv6? - see for this)
- think about ?dns within the mesh
Phase II: first link
- make panorama of roof
- test opennet's firmware (for ubiquity devices)
- setup local test environment with martn with two antennas
- setup link between the two places
- at this point, network topology should be clear and documented
Back in Montreal summer 2014. Hope to bring at least one node up in PSC and generally get involved with the project.
My nodes
Here is the list of nodes I operate.
Operational nodes
Planned nodes
Nodes in maintenance
- Distributed storage cloud.
- Open AP through TOR.
- Courriel: bgm @
- Chat: bgm
Nicolas Marchildon
Je suis programmeur. J'ai installé une antenne chez moi, avant la naissance du projet, pour envoyer des backups chez mon frère. J'ai installé OpenWrt sur le petit routeur Bococom, et je gère quelques noeuds.
Les relais que j'administre:
Besoin d'un donateur d'antenne:
Les points d'accès:
Routeurs de test:
Evan Prodromou
Programmeur, philosophe, pacifiste, poète.
Mon site:
email: meshnet(à)
My nodes
Here is the list of nodes I operate.
Operational nodes
Planned nodes
Nodes in maintenance
Geneviève Bastien
- courriel:
- @gbastien
- irc: tahini
À faire
Avoir un terrain de jeu pour tester le mesh
Ok: chez moi, un relais mesh, un point d'accès qui sert des clients et qui se connecte au mesh et à internet, un laptop qui se connecte au relais en ad-hoc
Créer des images d'Openwrt pré-configurées pour le mesh et offrir un répertoire de packages qui pré-configurent certains scénarios
En cours: J'ai compilé les images, reste à les tester et essayer de couvrir le plus de scénarios possibles avec le moins d'images... Les images seront disponibles au
Explorer des applications de gestion de mesh
Documenter comment sécuriser son réseau interne lorsqu'on offre le mesh et/ou l'accès à internet
Documenter comment configurer le routeur pour les nuls (sans les commandes uci)
Mettre le mesh sur une clé usb à partager: une distro linux avec desktop pré-connectée en mode ad-hoc sur le mesh
En cours: simple arch linux avec gnome
Monter un petit serveur pour offrir des services sur le mesh, sans dépendre de mon lan (entre autres, miroir du wiki)
Avoir une carte offline pour ikiwiki (sur un serveur local)
C'est fait. Mais pour être forward compatible avec la domination de la province :D, j'ai fait des bons zooms sur tout le territoire du Québec et le fichier compressé fait 1.4 GB... Si vous voulez les cartes, contactez-moi.
- Location: Down the rabbit hole
My nodes
Operational nodes
Planned nodes
Nodes in maintenance
- Déployer un réseau minimal dans la Pointe (plusieurs toits d'alliés potentiels à mobiliser)
- En particulier, insérer le projet du Bâtiment 7 dans le réseau, notamment pour la diffusion de la radio du Centre Social Autogéré
- Reconfiguration de batiment7 pour la réintégrer dans le mesh
Mathieu Gauthier-Pilote
Courriel: i.caught.air @
Chat: nitrix
Richard Lussier
mail richard.lussier at cell 514.574.5111
- Courriel: ouaibe \aatt/
- Chat: ouaibe
- @ouaibe
My nodes
Here is the list of nodes I operate :
Operational nodes
Planned nodes
I'm a random hacker from the 514. I come from a diverse background of interests, that make computing my main occupation. I'm an advocate for everything open source, freedom enabling, community oriented. I also hold an amateur radio license, which extends my passion for radio to other frequencies.
Free the bits, make data love.
My nodes
Here is the list of the nodes I operate.
Operational nodes
Planned nodes
Nodes in maintenance
where I'm at
At home
I am running batman on my rooftop (not yet installed) relay node, on its wireless and wired interfaces. I started configuring an internal router AP, running batman on its wired LAN switch, and a traditional AP on its wireless interface. The wan interface will help to serve Internet access in addition to mesh services to wireless clients.
For now, I've been using an MTU of 1472 on my batman interfaces, because I can't set an MTU higher than 1500 on wired interfaces in OpenWRT. Many searches have found no solution to this problem. According to batman-adv messages, with anything higher than 1472, I'm fragmenting packets.
In my tests with a Debian laptop, running batman, I'm able to route IP to and from all members of the mesh, my laptop, the router AP and the Bullet.
Other places
I operate another site on St-Denis/Laurier at a friend's place. It will mostly be a replica of my home configuration, with a little less complexity on the internal segment.