(work in progress)

API documentation

See: https://github.com/libremap/libremap-api/blob/master/doc-api-router.md

Creating a new node

Create a text json file, for example "latakia.json" :

  "api_rev": "1.0",
  "type": "router",
  "hostname": "latakia",
  "lat": 45.465676,
  "lon": -73.572185,
  "community": "Réseau libre Montréal",

Send it to the map:

curl -X POST -d @latakia.json http://carte.bidon.ca/api/router

Responds: "{"ok":true,"id":"e4279a0dbc2b2d694f2352ebd3022da9"}".

Fetch the information on a node

We need to use the ID from the above output:

curl -X GET -d @latakia.json http://carte.bidon.ca/api/router/e4279a0dbc2b2d694f2352ebd30312f9

You can pretty-format it with Python:

curl -X GET http://carte.bidon.ca/api/router/e4279a0dbc2b2d694f2352ebd30312f9 | python -mjson.tool > latakia.json

The result has new fields: "id", "rev" and "ctime". You should keep this copy if you want to update it later on, since those fields are mandatory for updates.

Updating the information for a node

See above about doing a 'get' first, so that you have the ID and revision of the document.

Updates are done with the 'PUT' command:

curl -X PUT -d @latakia.json http://carte.bidon.ca/api/router/e4279a0dbc2b2d694f2352ebd30312f9

Defining links

You must first define aliases for the node, then define the links. Even if it seems redundant, it will not work if you do not define aliases first.

Aliases could be used in a more clever way. For example, the alias could be the IP route exported by the router.


    "_id": "e4279a0dbc2b2d694f2352ebd30312f9",
    "_rev": "7-b861358870860af407d2ea02fda35d60",
    "type": "router",
    "api_rev": "1.0",
    "community": "Réseau libre Montréal",
    "ctime": "2013-12-13T15:39:45.505Z",
    "mtime": "2013-12-13T16:13:04.447Z",
    "hostname": "latakia",
    "lat": 45.465676,
    "lon": -73.572185,
    "aliases": [
            "alias": "latakia",
            "type": "babel"
    "links": [
            "alias_local": "latakia",
            "alias_remote": "deuxpi",
            "quality": 0.5,
            "type": "babel"
            "alias_local": "latakia",
            "alias_remote": "tarator",
            "quality": 0.9,
            "type": "babel"