You may have noticed that some commands, such as babelstatus, display MAC addresses, and tried to match these adresses to your network interfaces. Do no more! You can use our ethers
file to let these tools display nice, user-friendly names that will make it easier to lookup the corresponding entry in the nodes database.
Here's a list of suggested MAC address to hostname translations. This can be added directly to your /etc/ethers
. It is generated automatically from the MAC address located in the node details page of a node.
(mac address here) Slynet-01 (mac address here) cryptoqc1 (mac address here) droidnest (mac address here) garry (mac address here) rayne (mac address here) BirdNet (mac address here) helvetiae (mac address here) TREADSTONE (mac address here) Pepsicoman (mac address here) (mac address here) skaor (mac address here) Chuck (mac address here) keystone (mac address here) angevin (mac address here) chipee (mac address here) btcmbc (mac address here) symbion/univers (mac address here) potato-ninja (mac address here) moxx (mac address here) k23 (mac address here) kafei (mac address here) Netwalker (mac address here) scientist-other1 (mac address here) bassnode2 (mac address here) hobbit (mac address here) whitman (mac address here) purplehouse (mac address here) tulip (mac address here) nordic (mac address here) Martna (mac address here) passiongeek (mac address here) marche 26 (mac address here) pepsicoman 2 (mac address here) 45.528480, -73.556190 (mac address here) j4vL4nd (mac address here) leopard (mac address here) mlhamel (mac address here) cesa (mac address here) va2dui-rl (mac address here) ndg-bullet (mac address here) Netwalker's node2 (mac address here) bassnode (mac address here) pepto (mac address here) appart (mac address here) blackstone (mac address here) Atmos01 (mac address here) casgrain-gounod (mac address here) Canal de Nydus (mac address here) louis 00:00:00:00:00:00 lethon 00:00:00:00:00:00 ouaibe 00:0c:41:14:e0:8f leon 00:0c:f1:4e:ed:e2 elecnix-salon 00:12:17:d9:0f:7b scientist-poly 00:12:17:d9:0f:7b scientist-jardin 00:15:6D:3C:01:B9 besik 00:15:6D:A9:C7:84 batiment7 00:15:6D:F8:5C:9B clarence 00:15:6d:fc:be:90 rayuela 00:1f:d0:5b:b9:0f scientist-tolkien 00:24:01:BD:38:99 abidbol01 00:24:d7:73:ac:70 scientist-atwood 00:27:22:2E:BC:13 Grace 00:27:22:2E:BC:31 benoitg 00:27:22:2E:BC:37 jojo 00:27:22:2E:BD:0C BlauEintopf-relais 00:27:22:2e:bd:3d theodore 00:27:22:72:CF:9F scientist 00:27:22:8a:cb:c4 koumbit-outremont 00:27:23:2F:BD:14 Slynet-00 00:90:4C:A1:00:2D stupot 00:B0:C0:01:8B:34 bococom1 00:B0:C0:02:1A:9F lacou-ap 00:B0:C0:02:1C:53 quai21 00:B0:C0:02:1D:1F btm 00:B0:C0:02:1D:3F oeuf 00:B0:C0:02:39:5C sl7205 00:e0:4c:20:57:ca turboserver 02:CA:FF:EE:BE:EF BlauEintopf 24:a4:3c:79:0b:d5 elecnix 26:A4:3C:78:0C:F7 pomme 54:e6:fc:b9:c1:d9 clockwork 64:70:02:F9:0A:E4 clelibr 68:72:51:0C:76:12 gigsim DC:9F:DB:00:12:D3 lacou DC:9F:DB:00:13:76 bb DC:9F:DB:00:13:7C Coop Sur Genereux DC:9F:DB:01:11:89 ticoune DC:9F:DB:01:12:57 guilbault DC:9F:DB:04:90:F2 R-agile DC:9F:DB:06:D4:DA beastly DC:9F:DB:06:D5:A9 goof DC:9F:DB:06:D5:BE westernblock DC:9F:DB:07:D0:79 imusee DC:9F:DB:07:EC:E7 atlas DC:9F:DB:0A:59:2B tarator DC:9F:DB:1:13:56 plantpeople DE:9F:DB:06:D4:CD (relais) et DC:9F:DB:07:D4:CD (acces) chateau-iberville EC:88:8F:C6:3E:38 bibitte EC:88:8F:C6:41:B4 princesse F4:EC:38:E2:F7:74 coopgenereux-ap N/A nelson TBD angeli TBD redwine dc:9f:db:00:11:dc rogatien dc:9f:db:00:13:24 topo dc:9f:db:01:13:32 dc:9f:db:00:13:5b DELTA100 dc:9f:db:06:d4:cd turbopowerpunch ec:55:f9:c5:f2:55 angela 00:13:10:1b:6d:dd linksys-pierre 00:1C:10:22:02:AE carton 00:25:9c:5e:44:59 linksys-grace 00:b0:c0:02:39:5c elecnix-sl7205 e8:9a:8f:6e:0f:60 angela-eth0 00:15:6d:db:d3:65 boulette-eth dc:9f:db:01:12:d3 lacou-eth0 00:b0:c0:02:1a:9f bococom-lacou dc:9f:db:01:11:dc rogatien-eth 00:15:6d:f9:5c:9b clarence-eth 00:27:22:2f:bd:3d theodore-eth
PS: note that some old nodes are still hardcoded here. Please add your MAC address to your node page in this wiki.