
"LibreMap is a scalable, global and decentralized router database and map visualization for community networks, such as guifi, Altermundi, FunkFeuer, ninux, freifunk, Commotion... It emerged around the is4cwn by merging the maps of AlterMap (Altermundi) and OpenWiFiMap (freifunk)."


  • Open Street Map integration to location wireless relays and other types of nodes
  • Displays links between relays and signal strength.
  • REST API (http get/post/update) to add/edit node information, so it's easy to communicate with and extend.
  • Database replication (using CouchDB), so it's possible to have our own local Montreal map, but also push our information upstream to the map.

User guide

See: userguide

Installation on Debian (unstable/jessie)

See: installation

OpenWRT Libremap-agent

See: openwrt-libremap-agent

Configuration todo

Random todo of items to figure out so that Réseau libre can officially adopt libremap.

See: todo